Thursday, 3 May 2012

Introducing Ethan Luke :D

Helloo :)

My baby boy Ethan Luke is FINALLY here!
He was Born on Friday 27th April 2012 weighing 7lb 15oz, very healthy and looking absolutely GORGEOUS!

Here is a couple of pictures from when he was less than one day old ( just to show him off! ;) and i will be back soon with my labour and delivery story :)

5 minutes old :)

less than 24 hours old :)

Smitten is not the word, my baby was well worth the wait! :)

Thursday, 26 April 2012

1 week, 6 days Overdue, Looks Like Induction.....

Helloo :)

I cant actually believe i am writing this post, as i REALLY thought i would be a proper mummy by now, especially seeing as the midwife said i was 2cm dilated on Tuesday when she did my membrane sweep (and i was starting having contractions ect)
Since then, things haven't really changed, i have had a LOT more of the mucus plug come away (or the show) which shocked me, as i didn't expect there to be so much more of it (i had a lot come away in the early hours of this morning, at about 3.40am and more this afternoon, at around 6pm, and little bits since) and i have continued to have contractions, at irregular intervals, some a lot stronger than others, with some actually painful enough to wake me up every hour or so last night, before easing off into nothing.

Start TimeEnd TimeDurationFrequency
3:40:26 AM----4:26----
3:33:38 AM3:34:32 AM0:5310 m, 29 s
3:23:10 AM3:24:14 AM1:35 m, 23 s
3:17:47 AM3:18:38 AM0:506 m, 47 s
3:11:00 AM3:11:51 AM0:504 m, 19 s
3:06:40 AM3:07:30 AM0:499 m, 16 s
2:57:24 AM2:58:19 AM0:546 m, 54 s
2:50:31 AM2:51:22 AM0:50----

This is an example of how random my contractions are, whilst being strong enough to wake me up and keep me awake, then fade away :/ (this graph was done on Contraction Master Online, (click for link) and i added it in the early hours of Friday morning, a few hours after first writing this post, as yep, i was up having more contractions, and yet more of my show)

I seem to have more contractions on an evening and at nighttime, (maybe because I'm less active then?) and they seem to be in my lower back spreading across my tummy. they last anything from 40 seconds to a minute, seem to get fairly regular for a while (last night i had a really strong contraction that woke me up, then i timed the contractions for an hour or so, and each one (a lot less painful than the initial one) came about every six minutes, and lasted around 40 -60 seconds, before again, tailing off to nothing).
That is soooo frustrating :(

To take our minds off it and to get us out of the house, (and with a small secret hope that it would start proper labour off) Simon, my 2 year old niece Olivia and I went swimming today (thursday) my first time in about 10 years!) and it was a great distraction :)
The feeling of weightlessness was lovely, and i only really appreciated it once i stepped out of the pool, as the full weight of my bump hit me like a ton of bricks, and i could have cried!
It made absoultely no difference to my labour status though, and while I think that any exercise when overdue is good (within reason!),  the baby is only going to come when it is ready, regardless what mum-to-be does!
So sadly, Induction looks likely :(

My friends sis-in-law happens to be a midwife, and my friend quizzed her on my behalf in regards to my induction which is booked in for tomorrow, and she thinks that i will probably be able to skip the gel/pessary step in the induction, as i am dilated enough to have my waters broken already (the midwife on Tuesday told me this), so they will only need to break my waters once a bed becomes free on the labour ward, so i SHOULD skip the long wait for my cervix to open as it already is 2cm dilated :)

I have all my bags packed, the car seat is ready to go, and we are a little apprehensive, excited, and looking forward to things finally happening, but it just feels a little bit deflating to not have the panic/excitement of natural labour starting :(
BUT, on the VERY big plus side, we should have our son this weekend, yay!

Last at-home pregnant Bump pics, at 42 weeks exactly, and total weight gain in my pregnancy from 4 weeks gestation to 42 weeks is: 2st 11 lb :/

(this post was written on Thursday night around 10pm, and updated early Friday Morning, so bump pics are of me at two full weeks overdue :)

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

11 Days Overdue, but Finally in Labour!

helloo :)

Well, I'm in slow labour, but at least its official!

I'm now 11 days overdue, and had a midwife appointment booked in for 11.20am this morning, for a general check up and stretch and sweep (membrane sweep) If she felt it necessary, which will apparently put around half the women who have it done into labour with 24 hours, so i was hoping she would do one, just to get things moving, as i REALLY don't want to be induced on Friday, (if possible!)

But when i woke up this morning, around half 7, i felt 'different', not in any pain at all, just a bit of backache and sort of a dragging feeling at the bottom of my tum, (both generally, and especially whilst walking,) and i noticed i had had some of the 'show' (a clear jelly-like mucus stuff which seals the cervix) and this continued to come away most of the morning, up until my midwife appointment.

When i went in to see the midwife, (it was a different midwife to my usual 2) i explained about the show, and she said she would still do the cervical sweep, to try and get things moving for me.
When she examined me, (which is very uncomfortable more than painful) she got really excited and told me that the baby was 'presenting beautifully', was really low down and central, she could feel his head, and that i was already 2cm dilated and my cervix was getting thin! She said this is really unusual in a first baby (being 2cm dilated without pains or anything), and even if i did end up staying in slow labour, and have to be admitted to hospital on Friday, she thought it highly unlikely that they would have to give me a pessary (an artificial aid to kick start the labour hormones), and that they would only probably need to break my waters, which should mean (hopefully) a quicker delivery! Yay!

Other things at midwife appointment - my blood pressure and everything was great, Baby's head was more or less as engaged as its going to get until delivery, Ethan's heartbeat was perfect (it sped up after he was prodded in the head by the midwife, and he moved loads afterwards!) and my bump was measuring 39cm (a week behind, but good) and then that was it, and i was sent on my way from my last midwife appointment , which, in a funny way made me feel a bit sad :/

Since the appointment, Simon is a nervous wreck but has gone off to work, mum and i have taken the dog out for a walk, as i keep getting told that the more you walk about the better/quicker labour is, and now I'm just waiting and getting excited for things to start happening!
I'm still not in any 'proper' pain, although I'm getting more noticeably stronger contractions, (that are like Braxton Hicks coupled with period pain in my lower back) that are coming about every 30 to 45 minutes or so, at a rough guess, and the midwife said to look out for period pain type pain, and bleeding (which Ive had a small amount of, along with more of my 'show') or breaking of water (both of which need to be reported to hospital maternity assessment unit) as signs of labour :)

I am now going to get a warm bath with some of the 'magic' essential oils, then put on my labour Tens Machine if i feel the need, as i would like to stay at home for as long as i can before going into hospital.
So fingers crossed that things happen tonight, and these will be my last Pregnant Bump Pictures, at 41 weeks and 4 days:

Come on baby, i cant wait to meet you! x

Saturday, 21 April 2012

1 week 1 day overdue & Midwife appointment update :)

helloo :)

And welcome to my follower! :)

I really thought last time that my next post would be full of pics of my newborn, but nope, I'm STILL pregnant, and now one full week and one day overdue (and feeling it) :(

I saw my usual midwife on Tuesday, who told me that I'm measuring two weeks under at 38 weeks (!) and the baby is not quite engaged -WTF? For the last five or so weeks, i have been measuring spot on (measuring a week or so over before) and have been told by different midwives that the baby's head was fully engaged (and i was led to believe that with a first baby they cannot come 'out' of being engaged?)
Maybe she was having an 'off' day, as she also said i would be due to be induced on Sunday the 29th, making me 42weeks and 2 days overdue :/
After panicking and correcting her, we finally have our (correct) induction date booked in for Friday 27th April 2012, and I'm having a 'stretch and sweep' at my midwife appointment next week, so we should DEFINITELY have a baby by the beginning of May!

Its awful being overdue (in a way), as every little pain or twinge has me thinking 'this is it!' especially as i have started getting occasional backache coupled with Braxton Hicks (usually at nighttime or during the night), that fool me into thinking its labour starting as it comes regularly 5-6 times - before stopping completely -Arrrggghhh!
I just want labour to either start properly, or stop with pretending!
I am feeling generally uncomfortable, more tired and achy now, and since Monday, walking any sort of decent distance is bordering on painful, with my groin area and legs feeling like they need to 'click' (is this normal?) but this only feels this way when I'm walking, so maybe pressure from the baby?

Having tried everything i can think of to induce labour (see previous post's) i have given up and I'm just trying to keep myself active (IE, walking as much as i can) and busy, as i think i would drive myself insane doing nothing, just sat around waiting (and also a small part of me thinks that I'm bound to go into labour if I'm at my Grandads birthday tea (yesterday), the Wacky Warehouse having lunch with a friend and her little boy (Thursday) or at an appointment then shopping in town with Simon (Tuesday), but no. Nothing.

For some reason, since i was around 30 weeks pregnant, i have had it in my head that the baby is going to arrive on the 24th April (next Tuesday) and Simon now thinks it will be the 28th, so it will be interesting to see if he does come on either date! We have also been trying to guess what the baby's weight will be (dodgy midwife's estimate is 8lb), my guess is 8lb 4oz and Simon's guess is 8lb 7oz, so we all think he will be a chunky baby!

Latest Pregnant pics, taken today (41 weeks and one day)

Hopefully my last ones!

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

My Son's Nursery :)

helloo :)

I thought i would do a quick 'tour' in pictures of my baby's room/nursery which Simon and I are sharing (until Ethan is a bit older) as it is set out pre-baby, as i know it will probably get altered around once he is actually here, and we figure out the easiest ways of doing the everyday (and night!) mummy and baby things :)

I do love how it looks at the minute, as i managed to fit pretty much everything in that i wanted for the baby (even if the walk in wardrobe IS rammed!) as well as our everyday stuff.

here is the 'nursery':

Bookcase,nursing rocking chair, new shelves, mini toy box, and some of Ethan's dressing gowns.

Ethan's wardrobe and bouncer

Changing station/chest of drawers

Window and tiebacks to match rest of room

moses basket, cot bed,  and nappy wrapper bin :)

Some of Ethan's Newborn and 0-3 month clothes

I found it impossible to do an overview of the room with just one picture, so i did a series instead, and didn't include our bed (next to the cot, and in front of the window) as i didn't think it necessary, although i could always add one later?

come on now, baby, we are all ready for you!

Monday, 16 April 2012


Helloo :)

As you can probably tell from the title, i have yet to give birth to my little bundle of joy, and am currently 3 days overdue :(
Although i am not in any pain or discomfort (at all, unless i am walking a fair distance, and even that only started today, is that weird?) i am beginning to think he will never come out, and I'm getting fed up of people constantly ringing me to see if i have gone in labour, and although i dont actually believe they will work, i HAVE been trying the old wives remedies for inducing labour, and so far these have included:

* A full Pineapple (who knows why eating this fruit is said to work??)
* Raspberry Leaf Tea
* Sex
*Walking (or rather, a few hours clothes shopping on my due date, and a 20 minute waddle to my mums and 20 minutes back today!)
*Nipple Stimulation (with the electric breast pump)
*Essential Oils (Juniper Berry, Lavender, and Clary Sage) both mixed with a carrier oil and applied to my back and bump, and also 6 drops of each added to my bath water
*Evening Primrose Oil capsules
*Spicy Curry
*Horror Film

None of it has worked (so far!) and I cant think of anything else to try (except Castor oil, which i will NOT be trying!) but i will keep you posted if i discover any more!

I know i was going to do a 'whats in my labour bag' post as i love that sort of thing, but hadn't yet gotten round to it, (but i have since decided i will do this after i have had the baby, as i can then tell you what i actually used out of the bags).
Instead, I have been cleaning the house from top to bottom on a daily basis (more keeping on top of it really), as the baby could come anytime, and supervising Simon putting up the new shelves in the baby's room/nursery (don't they look cute with his little keepsake/bits and bobs on?!) and generally just pottering around at home.

Oh, another thing i didn't realise, (I was told this by a friend who has recently given birth), was that when you have your baby, the hospital take the maternity notes you have had throughout your pregnancy (along with everything that happens to be in them, including scan pics, heartbeat printouts, everything) and you don't get it back! that was a shock to hear, as i assumed that i would get to keep it, so i have been busy photocopying/scanning the lot and im keeping it (for the time being) in one of the free Bounty folders, as i want to keep everything that i can from my pregnancy as a keepsake, and also so i can show my son it when he is older, so if you want to keep a record of your pregnancy, like me, i would advise everybody to scan or copy it well before your due date, (just in case!) as any notes that get added afterwards can always be copied at the time.

As this may (hopefully!) be my last pregnant update, this is me and my bump, at 40 weeks and 3 days gestation:

Massive, but i will miss it :)

Friday, 13 April 2012

Its my DUE DATE today!

helloo :)

Well, i cant help but feel excited and full of anticipation today, because Friday 13th April 2012 is my baby's DUE DATE!!!

I haven't hopefully got long to wait til i see my baby son, and i must say I'm getting eager for things to 'kick off' and get cracking, labour-wise!
I have heard all of the old wives tales about bringing on labour, and although that's just what i think they are - tales - i have been given some raspberry leaf tea which i have been drinking since Wednesday (one cup daily, not sure how many, is meant to 'get me going' so i may live dangerously and increase it to 2 a day!)

My OH and i decided that if the baby didn't seem to be showing signs of coming anytime soon, we would go to the Cinema tonight to see a new release Horror film, (to scare him out, maybe?!) then, time permitting, for a spicy curry (to smoke him out, hehe!)

I realised that i didn't have many pictures of me with the bump (probably because i look and feel ENORMOUS!) having gained around 2 and a half stones since pregnant, but i knew i would regret not taking any later, so here are a few of me and the bump over the last 2 weeks or so, making me 38 - 40 weeks pregnant in these (and feelin' it!)

Hopefully, the next post i do will be to introduce my newborn son :) but, if he stays snuggled up inside my tum, i think I'm going to do a 'Whats in my Labour bags' as i love watching those on You Tube, and it will be interesting to do one after, to see what i actually use from them (there are 3 in total!)

Fingers crossed that Friday 13th will be a lucky day for me!!

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Possible Pre- Labour and My Pregnancy Essentials

Helloo :)

I'm now 39 weeks and 5 days pregnant, and due to meet my baby boy in 2 days time (eek!) and i am feeling VERY pregnant.
Nothing out of 'the norm' except that I have been having some pains right at the bottom of my bump, about where the bikini line is, and sometimes in my 'lady bits'.
its not constant or anything, but it is getting more frequent, IE, on a daily basis.
I'm not entirely sure if these are normal 'just my body getting ready to give birth' type of twinges, or if they are minor contractions at the start of labour, as they start off with a tightening feeling, like normal Braxton Hicks (which i have been getting since about week 25) then get painful.
Hmmm, i suppose i will find out soon enough!
My OH Simon is at a gig in Manchester tonight, so i was half expecting to go into labour, just because he is over an hour away and this night has been long planned, but so far, this baby is a no-show!
Anywho, i thought i would tell you which items i have found to be indispensable and worth every penny during my pregnancy, and will keep hold of for any future pregnancies, or would definitely buy again.

So, in no particular order:

*Bump Support Belt/Band - i got my basic bump support band from Mothercare a day after boxing day, when i was 25-26 weeks gone, as i felt like my bump was getting heavy and i remember my bump and surrounding area hurting and feeling like my belly was 'dragging' downwards. I think i paid between £8-£12, not much at all really, and it has been worth every penny. I don't wear it all the time, just when i feel the need,and it really does help relieve the dragging feeling.
It has a supportive band to the bottom which sits under your bump, then the normal fabric wraps around the bump, and you Velcro it at the back, however tight you need to, so it will fit whichever stage of pregnancy you are at.
I also found that it doubles as an 'under top'  that i can wear underneath a normal non-maternity top that is a little too short for my bump. Bonus!

*DreamGenii Pregnancy Support and Feeding Pillow - This pillow is AMAZING! I got mine second hand, and i have been using it from quite early on in my pregnancy, and i have found it to be fantastic support at all stages of my pregnancy. It helps me stay comfortable, and have felt my bump and back were supported whenever i use it. I have not tried it (yet!) as a feeding support pillow, but even if that doesn't work out, I will continue to use it as a sleeping buddy, because i would miss it so much if i were to be without it!

*Maternity Long line Nursing Vests - Although the normal style longer vests would do just the same job in terms of wearing them under normal non-maternity tops, i feel that you get more value for money (if you are planning on breastfeeding) paying slightly more for the feeding vests as you can obviously use them to your advantage after you have your baby, without showing off the inevitable jelly-belly.
I have got several Mothercare ones in basic white and black (they go with everything!) and the are just basic vests with the clip bits, but i have seen the ones with built-in support if preferred.

*Bravado Seamless Feeding/Maternity Bra -  I have a few of these fab bra's and had i known how good they were, i wouldn't have bought any other type. (except for my night time crop-top style feed bra, as its so comfy!)
Now, they are not the sexiest bra i have come across (not by a looooong shot!) but they are amazingly comfortable as they are seamless, and actually grow with your boobs as you get bigger.
I actually think i will cry when i no longer need to wear these, and go back to the under wired variety (much as i have missed the support!) because this is the only bra i have come across during my pregnancy that has made me feel properly supported in the chesticle area. Sob!

Those are the holy grail for me maternity wise, but i also really recommend (and really wish i had stuck to doing/using myself) the following:

*Bio-Oiling - twice daily EVERY day. Once-when-i-could-be-bothered didn't work. using it as recommended may have prevented my stretchmarks :(

*Moisturising - ditto, as my bump and legs get so dry due to hormone changes

*Birthing Ball - i got mine around 35 weeks, and wish i had gotten one earlier, as its sooo comfortable and supporting!

*Resting Feet -  as recommended above heart height may have help prevent the water retention causing elephant feet i have now.

That's all i can think off right now, but i may end up adding things as i remember them x

Monday, 9 April 2012

Waiting for Baby

helloo :)

As i said in my last post, i am currently 2 weeks and 2 days (not counting the weekends lol) into my maternity leave from work, and i don't know about any other very-soon-mummies-to-be, but I'm getting BORED and really restless :(

The first week of my mat leave (which was actually a week before i had originally planned, but more on that later) i seemed to have a mad panic that the baby was going to come early (probably because that's what everyone was telling me) and i had made a list of 'things to do' before baby arrives which i had decided that i simply HAD to get through.

This list included not only the usual wash every piece of baby related items that i owned (although in the three sunniest days this year, i managed to wash, dry and iron every single newborn and 0-3 vest and babygro (and i seem to have A LOT of them) 15 or so baby blankets, every cot,moses basket and pram sheet i own, all the baby towels, all of the baby sleeping bags, both of the moses baskets' inserts/hoods/covers etc, the baby bouncer covers, play mats and god know what else!) but i also decided that i NEEDED to paint the kitchen. desperately.
(let me explain - back in January, Simon and i had come back from a birthday drink at my sisters house, to discover the ceiling in the kitchen was pouring with water, through the light fittings and everything. to cut a long story short, we sorted it, but the kitchen ceiling was stained a nasty yellowy brown colour afterwards.
So, me being me, i decided that, at 37 weeks pregnant, and massive with it, not only the kitchen ceiling had to be painted, but the wall paper could do with a good going over with Magnolia too, as it wasn't fit to be seen by any baby visitors/well wishers :/
Its a good job that i have a small kitchen, as it only took 2 days and 3 coats of paint, and it now looks lovely and 'fresh', and all fit and ready for any visitors after the baby comes :)

More things on the list were:

*sort out walk in wardrobe - we have a large wardrobe in our/baby's room that houses all the (now neatly organised) baby toys, baby towels & sheets, baby play mats, misc stuff, Simon's clothes, and the millions of nappies and wipes we have stocked up on and a million other bits and bobs. It was driving me mad how things had just been chucked in.

*clean inside windows

*clear/sort out garden

*sort out airing cupboard - (i have lived here for almost 3 years and NEVER had the urge to do this before. Am i taking 'Nesting' to a whole new level??)

*put up shelves in our/baby's room (this is still to do, as the beech floating shelves we got form Argos just don't seem to go, annoyingly.)

*organise both changing stations (we have one upstairs for night time changes, and one downstairs)

*clean down the main pram and wash/sew any bits that need it  - (our Mamas and Papas Pliko Pramette travel system pram was second hand, but in excellent condition) which we are planning to use most of the time as it lies completely flat, but we also have a new Silver Cross Zest stroller for when Ethan is a little older, for use on buses etc as its smaller and less bulky than the travel system.

*Paint and reupholster storage box/stool - that is eventually to go in the baby's room, and was a nasty pink colour.

*finish packing Hospital Bag.

*make and freeze lots of healthy skinny-friendly meals for after the birth (still to do)

I'm sure there was lots more on it, but I've chucked the list away and cant remember any more, stupid baby brain!
Anywho, I did manage to get through the list, but now I'm super bored as i have nothing really to do, except generally keep the house clean, tidy and general stay-at-home stuff. :(
I thought being on maternity leave would be fab, being able to relax, do nothing and watch what i want on TV without anyone moaning about all the baby shows i watch (and it IS nice not having to go into work full time) but without someone or something to occupy my time, I'm not sure what to do with myself until the baby arrives :/
Does anyone else have this issue? maybe i am just too used to working full time Monday to Friday, that faced with lots of 'me' time, i have nothing to do!

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Anyday Now........

Hello :)

I realise that as i have no followers (as this is a new blog), that i am actually talking to myself, but i thought this blog would be a good way to look back and remind myself what it is/was like being pregnant, and all of my baby boy's 'first's' - first moments, first smile and my 'first's' as a new mummy etc, without posting such things on my 'other' blog, (which i am planning to start posting on as i am now on Maternity Leave from work, yay! and have more 'free' time) and i know some people are not bothered about reading about baby stuff, especially seeing as i can drone on about the subject forever now, which surely must be a new mum thing?!

Me, 33 weeks pregnant (excuse the PJ's!), and my other half Simon <3

So, a little bit about me:
I am 26 years old, and currently very heavily pregnant with my son Ethan Luke, who is due on Friday 13th April 2012, (in 5 days time! eek!)
My fiance Simon and I have been together for 7 years, and this baby is the first for both of us, so we are both super excited to meet him, and cant wait to be parents :)
Ideally, I would eventually like 2 children, and I have always wanted my first baby to be a boy, and then have a girl, as that is how it is in my family, and i loved having older brothers to stick up for me (and bully me!) and i think Simon is secretly thrilled to be having a Son too, as he is now planning on teaching him all about football, (which lets me off the hook!)

My Son Ethan at 19 weeks 6 days :)

Me in Pregnancy:
I think i have been let off pretty lightly nasty pregnancy symptoms wise and I am actually feeling good (if very large and heavy!)  - yes, i have stretchmarks, heartburn, swollen feet and ankles (and everything else!) and had the early pregnancy fatigue (like most women, i imagine?) but have luckily missed out on morning sickness, varicose veins,constant need to pee, constipation, haemorrhoid's and don't yet seem to have hit the late pregnancy fatigue, so i think I'm actually doing pretty good :)

so, that's a little bit about me, our baby, and what to expect from this blog, which i shall try to update as regularly as possible :)