Monday, 16 April 2012


Helloo :)

As you can probably tell from the title, i have yet to give birth to my little bundle of joy, and am currently 3 days overdue :(
Although i am not in any pain or discomfort (at all, unless i am walking a fair distance, and even that only started today, is that weird?) i am beginning to think he will never come out, and I'm getting fed up of people constantly ringing me to see if i have gone in labour, and although i dont actually believe they will work, i HAVE been trying the old wives remedies for inducing labour, and so far these have included:

* A full Pineapple (who knows why eating this fruit is said to work??)
* Raspberry Leaf Tea
* Sex
*Walking (or rather, a few hours clothes shopping on my due date, and a 20 minute waddle to my mums and 20 minutes back today!)
*Nipple Stimulation (with the electric breast pump)
*Essential Oils (Juniper Berry, Lavender, and Clary Sage) both mixed with a carrier oil and applied to my back and bump, and also 6 drops of each added to my bath water
*Evening Primrose Oil capsules
*Spicy Curry
*Horror Film

None of it has worked (so far!) and I cant think of anything else to try (except Castor oil, which i will NOT be trying!) but i will keep you posted if i discover any more!

I know i was going to do a 'whats in my labour bag' post as i love that sort of thing, but hadn't yet gotten round to it, (but i have since decided i will do this after i have had the baby, as i can then tell you what i actually used out of the bags).
Instead, I have been cleaning the house from top to bottom on a daily basis (more keeping on top of it really), as the baby could come anytime, and supervising Simon putting up the new shelves in the baby's room/nursery (don't they look cute with his little keepsake/bits and bobs on?!) and generally just pottering around at home.

Oh, another thing i didn't realise, (I was told this by a friend who has recently given birth), was that when you have your baby, the hospital take the maternity notes you have had throughout your pregnancy (along with everything that happens to be in them, including scan pics, heartbeat printouts, everything) and you don't get it back! that was a shock to hear, as i assumed that i would get to keep it, so i have been busy photocopying/scanning the lot and im keeping it (for the time being) in one of the free Bounty folders, as i want to keep everything that i can from my pregnancy as a keepsake, and also so i can show my son it when he is older, so if you want to keep a record of your pregnancy, like me, i would advise everybody to scan or copy it well before your due date, (just in case!) as any notes that get added afterwards can always be copied at the time.

As this may (hopefully!) be my last pregnant update, this is me and my bump, at 40 weeks and 3 days gestation:

Massive, but i will miss it :)


  1. Good luck! I saw your blog names on Peluxe and had to check them out.

    Raspberry leaf tea, BTW, is supposed to strenghten the uterus-- never heard of it being an inducement to labor. But I know what is-- starting a massive cleaning project.

    Peace, Mari

  2. Hello, thanks for your comment!

    somebody told me Raspberry Leaf tea was meant to induce and shorten labour, so i figured it was worth a try!

    Just got back from midwife and im booked for induction, so no matter what, we should have the baby by the 27th (ish!)
