Sunday, 8 April 2012

Anyday Now........

Hello :)

I realise that as i have no followers (as this is a new blog), that i am actually talking to myself, but i thought this blog would be a good way to look back and remind myself what it is/was like being pregnant, and all of my baby boy's 'first's' - first moments, first smile and my 'first's' as a new mummy etc, without posting such things on my 'other' blog, (which i am planning to start posting on as i am now on Maternity Leave from work, yay! and have more 'free' time) and i know some people are not bothered about reading about baby stuff, especially seeing as i can drone on about the subject forever now, which surely must be a new mum thing?!

Me, 33 weeks pregnant (excuse the PJ's!), and my other half Simon <3

So, a little bit about me:
I am 26 years old, and currently very heavily pregnant with my son Ethan Luke, who is due on Friday 13th April 2012, (in 5 days time! eek!)
My fiance Simon and I have been together for 7 years, and this baby is the first for both of us, so we are both super excited to meet him, and cant wait to be parents :)
Ideally, I would eventually like 2 children, and I have always wanted my first baby to be a boy, and then have a girl, as that is how it is in my family, and i loved having older brothers to stick up for me (and bully me!) and i think Simon is secretly thrilled to be having a Son too, as he is now planning on teaching him all about football, (which lets me off the hook!)

My Son Ethan at 19 weeks 6 days :)

Me in Pregnancy:
I think i have been let off pretty lightly nasty pregnancy symptoms wise and I am actually feeling good (if very large and heavy!)  - yes, i have stretchmarks, heartburn, swollen feet and ankles (and everything else!) and had the early pregnancy fatigue (like most women, i imagine?) but have luckily missed out on morning sickness, varicose veins,constant need to pee, constipation, haemorrhoid's and don't yet seem to have hit the late pregnancy fatigue, so i think I'm actually doing pretty good :)

so, that's a little bit about me, our baby, and what to expect from this blog, which i shall try to update as regularly as possible :)

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