Saturday, 21 April 2012

1 week 1 day overdue & Midwife appointment update :)

helloo :)

And welcome to my follower! :)

I really thought last time that my next post would be full of pics of my newborn, but nope, I'm STILL pregnant, and now one full week and one day overdue (and feeling it) :(

I saw my usual midwife on Tuesday, who told me that I'm measuring two weeks under at 38 weeks (!) and the baby is not quite engaged -WTF? For the last five or so weeks, i have been measuring spot on (measuring a week or so over before) and have been told by different midwives that the baby's head was fully engaged (and i was led to believe that with a first baby they cannot come 'out' of being engaged?)
Maybe she was having an 'off' day, as she also said i would be due to be induced on Sunday the 29th, making me 42weeks and 2 days overdue :/
After panicking and correcting her, we finally have our (correct) induction date booked in for Friday 27th April 2012, and I'm having a 'stretch and sweep' at my midwife appointment next week, so we should DEFINITELY have a baby by the beginning of May!

Its awful being overdue (in a way), as every little pain or twinge has me thinking 'this is it!' especially as i have started getting occasional backache coupled with Braxton Hicks (usually at nighttime or during the night), that fool me into thinking its labour starting as it comes regularly 5-6 times - before stopping completely -Arrrggghhh!
I just want labour to either start properly, or stop with pretending!
I am feeling generally uncomfortable, more tired and achy now, and since Monday, walking any sort of decent distance is bordering on painful, with my groin area and legs feeling like they need to 'click' (is this normal?) but this only feels this way when I'm walking, so maybe pressure from the baby?

Having tried everything i can think of to induce labour (see previous post's) i have given up and I'm just trying to keep myself active (IE, walking as much as i can) and busy, as i think i would drive myself insane doing nothing, just sat around waiting (and also a small part of me thinks that I'm bound to go into labour if I'm at my Grandads birthday tea (yesterday), the Wacky Warehouse having lunch with a friend and her little boy (Thursday) or at an appointment then shopping in town with Simon (Tuesday), but no. Nothing.

For some reason, since i was around 30 weeks pregnant, i have had it in my head that the baby is going to arrive on the 24th April (next Tuesday) and Simon now thinks it will be the 28th, so it will be interesting to see if he does come on either date! We have also been trying to guess what the baby's weight will be (dodgy midwife's estimate is 8lb), my guess is 8lb 4oz and Simon's guess is 8lb 7oz, so we all think he will be a chunky baby!

Latest Pregnant pics, taken today (41 weeks and one day)

Hopefully my last ones!

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